3 tips for HR
3 tips for HR
HFMtalentindex answers a wide range of questions in the field of HR. Some questions pop up more often than others, however. The following section presents a number of quick wins that can be swiftly and easily implemented in response to some of the most frequently asked questions.
1. How can HFMtalentindex help our recruiters to hire better – or even better – people?
Ideally, a recruitment process involves three distinct phases. An online selection assessment can prove of invaluable aid in all three:
Preselection: When you make an advance online selection assessment, this allows you to reject at an early stage in the selection process the candidates who clearly do not match your desired profile. This saves time for your recruiters and the candidates in question and avoids unnecessary frustration.
Selection interviews and introduction to recruitment: After making an initial selection of eligible candidates via an online selection assessment, you will have more insight into those candidates who have a decent to very close match with your chosen profile at the beginning of the selection interview than you would have at the end of such an interview if you had not made such an assessment. You have a good idea of what kind of person you are dealing with and which competences he or she is bringing to the table. You will be able to pose targeted questions and throughout the interview you can furthermore refer to the sample questions included in the report.
Final selection by the recruitment officer and management: the language used in HFMtalentindex’s online selection assessments is clear and straightforward. Any manager will be able to understand their content in a single read. As a result, the recruitment officer and manager are on the same page throughout the selection process, and all parties are clear as to what the candidate’s specific strengths and weaknesses are. This allows you to arrive at well-substantiated decisions that enjoy broader support.
2. We intend to further strengthen our leadership – how could we best go about this?
Leadership doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Rather, its purpose is to safeguard your organisation’s objectives – both now and in the future. In some cases, this may call for more effective people management, while in other cases, the key factors are strategic insight or decisiveness. That is why strengthening leadership starts with the development of a leadership profile that is in line with the organisation’s adopted strategy. You can immediately start using your chosen profile to measure your current leaders’ potential within the HFMtalentindex Competence Assessment System, for example, or to measure their present conduct via the HFM360 feedback system.
Of course, there are also certain general strengths that all organisational leaders are expected to have in common. You can measure this general leadership potential via the HFMtalentindex Management Potential Index.
3. To which extent can this team still be developed further?
Managers often ask us this particular question. Performance requirements are becoming increasingly strict and managers are expected to steer towards results. But are the members of their team actually up to the job? HFMtalentindex can present an overview of your team’s specific strengths by means of dashboards. The People Qualities Dashboard offers you immediate insight into your team’s strengths and weaknesses. The Development Issues Dashboard indicates which competences can be developed further and the Learning Agility Dashboard offers insight into the team’s change potential and learning style.