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Measure capacities

Fast and objective picture of working and thinking level

  • Insight into the key predictor of success
  • Test for different (educational) levels
  • Insight into professional and intellectual ability

Determine intellectual ability

Intelligence is the most important predictor of job performance. No other characteristic is as crucial to the success of employees. HFMtalentindex offers several tests that determine people’s cognitive abilities. These tests allow you to find out right away if your candidate possesses the required level of working and thinking

Valid tests for each educational level

The capacities tests can be set to senior secondary vocational, higher professional and university education levels. Your candidate’s scores will automatically be compared with the scores of a large and representative norm group at the desired level.

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Employees with the required intellectual ability

HFMtalentindex’s VIT provides a complete picture of your candidate’s intellectual ability in 30 minutes. HFMtalentindex also provides specific intelligence tests to measure:
• Abstract reasoning skills
• Numerical reasoning skills
• Logical reasoning skills
• Numeracy skills
• Verbal ability

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