Team development
Make use of the development opportunities in teams
- Free dashboard with real time information on all your talent
- Development potential of teams and organisational units
- The need to develop teams and organisational units
Discover opportunities for growth
You want insight and a helicopter view of selection and development in your organisation for timely guidance and adjustment of your business strategy. You want to know the best way to foster the development of teams and organisational units. The aim is to initiate the growth of teams based on knowledge about the development potential of their qualities.
Insight into the development needs
Development Issues provides information on a team, a department or the entire organisation and tells you what is needed to achieve certain goals. Insight at group level tells you which competencies are lacking within a certain department.
Challenging and achievable development
You optimally align your people’s talent to the organisation’s objectives. You offer growth programmes which reflect both the development need and the feasibility of that development. The Development Issues Dashboard updates you about the development goals, opportunities and actions of your teams at all times.
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